Are ‘The Struts’ Quietly The Best New Band Out There In 2016?

OK, I’m going to be honest with you, the Struts didn’t immediately impress me. When I heard ‘Could Have Ben Me’ last year, I thought it was ok, but as time has gone on, not only do I dig that song, but I enjoy this entire latest album. Their new single, “Kiss This”, is hypnotic, with great drums, and those unique vocals provided by flamboyant singer Luke Spiller.

The Struts got their start in 2010 in Derbyshire, Derby, England. Yep, these are English boys who love their Rock heritage. You hear snippets of inspiration from the Stones, Queen, Bowie, T-Rex, and even Oasis in their music. The band has great hooks, lyrics, and they put on very entertaining live shows. They are very retro, to say the very least. Luke Spiller is their leader, and he is dressed like it’s 1975, and has all of the swagger of a Jagger, or maybe even a Freddie Mercury. Bottom line, this band is turning heads for all of the right reasons, and they have the talent and look to one of the signature bands of 2016 and beyond. So, listen up for the Struts here on the X! Let’s get them in Peoria soon!
