Happy April Fool’s TOOL fans. Yep, Maynard James Keenan and his band mates pulled a nice smart-ass move at the stroke of midnight on April Fool’s. The band released a 37 minute long video of “Sounds Of Night Crickets.” Yep, that’s it. Some excitable Tool fans thought this was a new song. Many went to listen and view this video. And, well, you had just 37 minutes of chirping crickets. 37 minutes. Dick move? Well, yes, but, it’s April Fool’s Day, so, shame on you for falling for it, right?
Now, the big question is this, will Tool ever get this new album out in 2019? Their has been teases, mentions from the band saying something is on the way, and reports of re-mixing new material. They said maybe Spring, 2019. Well, not sure if you noticed, but, it’s Spring 2019. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Will it? Knowing these guys, their obvious over-thinking and re-mixing new material, it could very easily be late this year, or, even 2020, or, God forbid, longer than that. Hopefully, I’m wrong for being pessimistic, and we get a new single and album by Summer! I assume you are ready for that??