So, in the midst of this hunkering at home, sheltering in place, being safe, and social distancing, we’ve seen multiple communities, some big, some small, who are all joining in unity to either sing, chant, or play instruments from their balconies, rooftops, front yards, patios, all at one time, at the same time, set, everyday. Last week, Anna Kinkade and I were chatting on the phone, and she said, “Wouldn’t it be cool to for all of us to ‘Bark At The Moon’ from our houses, every night?” i immediately loved this idea! Genius, Kinkade! You see, there are communities of people who are all “Howling at The Moon”, in unison, so, why not “Bark At The Moon”, in Central Illinois, as act of solidarity together, as X Rockers and celebrate our amazing community???
So, I’m thinking we start this on Tuesday night, April 21st, at 8pm! We will crank up Ozzy’s “Bark At The Moon” at 8p[m each night during Bela’s Rock show, and, we need YOU to video yourself, going outside, in your front yards, patios, porches, wherever, and “Bark At The Moon!” You game? Let’s burn some stress, and celebrate our amazing Rock community in Peoria! More details on the radio! Let’s do this!