The New Star Wars “Solo” Movie Trailer Is Epic!

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Yes, if you listen to the Morning X, you are fully aware of my Star Wars obsession. Despite all of the reboots, and new story lines and flashback character movies that are going on, like Rogue One, this new “SOLO” movie is indeed a “Star Wars” story. One of the most beloved characters in the history of the franchise is Han Solo. This new trailer is lengthy, and has some pretty nut tingling moments. Yes, immediately critics and fans are going to be critical of the new actor playing the younger Han Solo, but I think you need to hold off that criticism until you have seen the movie in it’s entirety. This trailer is epic, and I, for one, am ready for May 25th! Great special effects, interesting characters, Lando Calrissian?  Use the Force! Who’s ready to party with a Wookie?
