Mastodon New Music Video Show Yourself [VIDEO]

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Is anyone on the internet today besides me? If you are, your like me and you’re at work today, hey ‘Happy St. Patricks Day’ to us lol. Well here’s at least one cool thing to see on the internet since lets face it that’s really all your doing today is trying to kill time till it’s green beer time.

Mastodon have a new video that’s out for a tune you’ve been hearing on The X, “Show Yourself”.Plus the bands has lined up a couple of new promo appearances for their upcoming album, Emperor of Sand, which is due out on March 31st.

Mastodon will perform on the outdoor stage at Jimmy Kimmel Live on April 3rd and will follow that up with an in-store performance at Amoeba Music in Hollywood the next day.

Check out the new video below. Its cool, I dug it.

~Anna Kinkade