So, as the Chicago Cubs bask in their glory of a World Championship, the players and their celebrity fans are having lots of fun these last few days. The entire team was in the parade in downtown Chicago that drew an estimated five million this past Friday. And then, on Saturday night, you guessed it, the Cubs made an appearance on Saturday Night Live. Yep, not the entire team, but three of their biggest stars.
Legendary SNL cast member Bill Murray, and Chicago Cubs players Anthony Rizzo, Dexter Fowler, and David Ross all performed on the show, and sang a new version of ‘Go Cubs, Go’, in front of millions. Murray, the long time Cubs fan and outspoken goofball, was his typical fun self at the show. The Cubs players also showed up for a hilarious skit later in the show as male strippers, yes, that happened! Yep, this is what a World Championship will do for you!