Does Stone Temple Pilots Have A New Singer Chosen?



Stone Temple Pilots are one of the biggest bands of the last twenty five years. They have sold millions, they have had huge hits on Rock radio. ‘Plush’, ‘Sex Type Thing’, ‘Deadn And Bloated’, ‘Interstate Love Song’, ‘The Big Empty’, ‘Creep.’ Yep, an amazing band. Their former lead singer, Scott Weiland, wowed millions with his stage persona, his sex appeal, his vocals, and his looks. He was the entire package. Part Bowie, part Jagger, Scott took the best of all of those elements, and was his own man, and he led the band amazingly well on stage. It was the off stage life that troubled Scott. His drug addictions, rehab stints, and false starts with the band are legendary. His now sudden death at age 48 last December saddened not only his former band mates, and family members, but the entire rock community.

Well, here we are in 2016. Stone Temple Pilots remaining founding members have decided to carry on the band name. They are launching a new beginning. They have been auditioning new singers for the last year, and apparently they are close to making that decision. ‘’ says that Filipino singer John Borja just might be the guy. Borja has been seen in social media postings with Robert DeLeo, of STP, and he has for sure auditioned for the band. He’s also in another side band already with DeLeo, and Def Leppard’s Phil Collen. Yep, he’s in the mix, but, is HE the guy? That remains to be seen, or officially announced. One thing is for sure, the band is serious about their future, and a new beginning. Perhaps Mr. Borja will be leading them into that future.
