Local Man Creates A Call To Action With Buddy Check 22

Photo By Flickr, thenationalguard
Photo By Flickr, thenationalguard


An Average of 22 veterans kill themselves every day…that’s a scary fact, one that I learned last week at my crossfit gym, Crossfit 309, when they held a 22 hour marathon WOD to bring awareness to that fact.

Then, this week I received an event invite for Buddy Check 22 (<–event link), most the time I don’t look at my event invites (sorry, just being honest) but as this week has gone on, I’ve seen this “Buddy Check 22” more and more and finally took a second to check it out and I’m so glad I did, I only wish I had noticed it sooner. That’s why I’m sharing it with you today, who knows maybe you’re like me and just skip over your event invites, or see things and forget about them or are one of those random people out there who are NOT on social media. Well, pay attention and be a part of a local initiative that exploded in just days, its Buddy Check 22.

The idea came from local veteran Zach Ziegel and it’s similar to the Breast Cancer Buddy Check but this initiative wants you to contact at least one veteran on the 22nd of each month and just ask “How are things going?” That’s it…just call a veteran and ask how they are! Considering all that these men and woman have done for us, this seems so small, but, that ONE phone call from YOU, could change or save their life and you may not even know it.

“But what if I don’t know a veteran?” For one I find that pretty impossible but IF that’s the case then, just find their event page and fan page you will see HUNDREDS of posts from veterans who are struggling, post from friends and families that know someone who is hurting or hurting themselves because they know one of those “22’s”.

Speaking from experience, you never know what is hiding behinds someone’s smile, and just calling someone to check in, say hello, or ask “how are you” could be the one small thing they need to get them to hold on for a little longer or seek help.

This initiative exploded so quickly that Ziegel created a fan page, which you can find HERE.

~Anna Kinkade