In the summer of 2014 I made my second trip down to Memphis to be part of the media day tour of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. This was when I meet the Kuehn family from Streator. Mom, Jessica, is a rocker because as soon as she realized it was me she was talking to, she got a little excited to meet me and know that I was interviewing them. Although I only meet Regan, her sister Adrianna and mom for 10 minutes they always stuck with me and I was so excited to share Reagan’s story and update everyone on where she was in her cancer battle this past June. Sadly, the news wasn’t good but I had still prayed for a miracle for this little girl, like so many others. Saturday night, shortly after celebrating Christmas with her family, God decided it was time to make her an angel, she was just six years old. This is her story.
In October of 2012 Reagan Kuehn was referred to St. Jude where she began a two-year treatment plan for Ph-positive ALL leukemia. In October of 2014, just shortly after I met her, St. Jude informed them that there was not much more they could do for Reagan. The family had to decide if they wanted to keep doing chemo, to keep the cancer under control, or if she would go to Minnesota and receive a full cord blood transplant, which only had a 20% chance of working, according to her caring bridge page. When I last spoke with her mom they opted to stop treatment and she’s was doing super well, that was this past summer. In December (2014) she was able to go on a Make-A-Wish trip to Disney. To hear Reagans story and what St. Jude had done for her listen to the full interview I did with her mom HERE.
When I heard of Reagans passing I was simply heartbroken, angry and frustrated…this will NEVER be okay. To Reagan and her family, I am so very sorry for you loss and all I can tell you is that in 2016 every dollar and every mile I will be dedicating to Reagan and I will not stop until this never happens again. It was an honor to have met you and spend time with you, thank you so much for the support and love you shown me during this past years run. Adrianna, I too lost my sister about a year and a half ago, I know nothing I can say will ever ease your pain, but I wanted you to know you are not alone, she will always be with you and she will always be your sister and love you.
To leave condolences for that family please visit Reagans Caring Bridge page, her family is not on facebook (but she does have a fan page-see it here) but her mother does see the posts on Caring Bridge.
~Anna Kinkade